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The best vegetables to plant in November

Tips on which vegetables to grow when the temperatures drop

Some vegetables are more suited to be grown in cooler months than others. It all depends on their growing conditions and the kind of environment they prefer. When you’re planting vegetables during winter, the chances are you’re planting them in an insular setting — be it in a greenhouse or in your home. These are a few ideal vegetables to plant in November, but there are many others beyond them if these aren’t up your alley.

Rhubarb plants


Growing rhubarb in containers during the winter is possible, so long as you have a large enough pot to accommodate the plant. With rhubarb, depth is more important than width (depending on how many you want per pot) because of its large root system. You want to make sure you select pots or containers that are sturdy, have good drainage, and are at least twenty inches deep. To the same effect, the soil should be designed for good draining to avoid drowning or rotting the plant. A healthy rhubarb could live and produce for up to ten years if you play your hand right.

They’re relatively easy to care for outdoors, and not much more difficult grown indoors in pots. The growing conditions are relatively the same, but you want to be sure to water close to the soil near the leaves so that the rhubarb can absorb the water as easily as possible. If you find your soil is having trouble with water retention, you can add a thin layer of mulch on top.

Rhubarb is really an easy plant to care for, whether grown in a container or in the garden plot. Keep in mind that any plant grown in a pot will dry out more quickly than those in the garden, especially during heat spells. Water near the soil to keep the leaves dry. You can also add 1-2 inches (2.5-5.1 cm.) of mulch, like grass clippings or bark chips, on top to help retain water.

Harvested peas


As with other plants grown indoors in the winter, you’ll likely have to start with some seeds instead of seedlings. Think ahead when selecting pots for your peas, as the plant will start small but needs room to grow and be able to produce. If your space allows, look for pots that are six inches or larger to sow the seeds in. This gives you a better chance of avoiding repotting the plants during the winter.

Since there is less light come November, you’ll want to consider setting up grow lights to help supplement the natural lighting. Growing peas will need up to ten hours of good light a day, so it’s best to select a bright space for your plants where you can turn on the grow lights as needed (and they’ll help especially on cloudy, gray days). If you happen to have a window that receives full light for eight hours a day, that will suffice and you won’t have to worry about taking up space with grow lights for your peas.

Once your peas begin to flower and produce pods, you can start to harvest! The plants should keep producing for several months, hopefully giving you a fruitful reward for your labor. It’s recommended to pick the pods as soon as they’re ready. You can pick them when they’re smaller or wait until they’ve reached full size depending on what you need/want them for.

Growing chili peppers

Chili peppers

Chili peppers are a great vegetable to plant in November. They’re easy to grow inside, and each one will give you a burst of heat during the colder months. Some varieties are more successful indoors than others, so keep that in mind when picking which one to grow in containers. Varieties like ornamentals don’t require as much space as a larger chili might, so it’s also important to take into account how much space you can set aside for growing your indoor crop.

Although most types prefer a warmer environment, they can still grow in moderate temperatures. As long as your place has plenty of sunlight or you can supplement with grow lights, you should have no trouble keeping these plants alive indoors during the winter. Chili pepper plants prefer several hours of sunlight a day, and too little sunlight can result in narrow stems. If this starts to happen, try moving them to a brighter area and see how they do.

By starting plants indoors in November, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh vegetables and harvests throughout the colder months. Give them the right conditions and proper care, and they’ll provide you with as much as they can.

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