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3 of the best solar garden lights for a bright and eco-friendly yard

It’s important to decorate your garden with stunning flowers and veggies, but it’s also vital that your garden be well lit. Whether for parties, late-night harvesting, or quiet nights reading in the warm summer air, solar lights make a fantastic addition to any garden. They can transform a backyard into a cozy after-dinner area, light up a walkway for safe navigation, or bring attention to a favorite tree. Here we’ll be going over the essential considerations to keep in mind while shopping for solar garden lights. We’ll also include a few of our favorites you might want to add to your landscaping.

What to consider when buying a solar garden light

Not all solar garden lights are created equal; there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.


The cost is one of the most important aspects of purchasing a new item for almost everyone. Although solar garden lights are very similar in price, it’s still crucial to consider how much you’re willing to spend on lights before you go looking. Having a better idea of your budget will help you find the ideal solution.

Ease of install

If you need something easy to put up for a party this weekend, you won’t want to buy a setup that’ll take hours to put together. Instead, finding a solar light that’s easy to install will make life easier and allow you to get back to doing other things like gardening!


Outdoor products never last as long as their indoor cousins, so it’s not surprising to find that solar garden lights have a shorter shelf life than other indoor lights. However, this doesn’t mean you should have to replace your garden lights every year or bring them in during the winter. Instead, look for a light that can withstand the types of weather you often see and be sure to care for the light properly so it can last a long time.


Of course, you should like the way your new lights look! If they don’t suit the aesthetic of your garden, you’ll likely be disappointed and tempted to go looking for other options. So be sure you’re looking for a light that’s going to suit the rest of your garden, or at least blend in and not take away from your garden ornaments.

MAGGIFT Solar Pathway Lights

These pathway lights by MAGGIFT are ideal for lighting the way during the darker hours of the day. Whether it’s the path from the driveway to the house or the deck to the flower garden, these lights will soak up sun rays and provide you with plenty of light to see your way.

You get 12 lights for $28.99, and they have a very classic look that’s sure to suit almost any style. All you have to do is stick them in the ground! The only downside to these lights is the material they’re made with. The plastic allows them to be affordable, but it’s not likely to hold up under harsh weather as well as other metal options would.

Brightown Outdoor Solar String Lights

These solar string lights are the perfect solution to give your outdoor space a glowing, cozy feel. In addition, they’re pretty easy to install: The solar panel is simply pushed into the ground while the lights can be wrapped, tacked, or taped however you want. The strings are 33 feet long and have 100 lights per string. In this bundle, you get two string lights for $15.98; they each have eight different light modes that suit any situation.

InnoGear Solar Lights Outdoor

Sometimes you wish you could show off your favorite part of the garden even at night! With these lights by InnoGear, you’ll be able to shine a spotlight onto your prized tree, bush, or flowers, all with solar power! The solar panel is easily maneuvered to get the best angle for sunlight absorption. All you have to do is stick these in the ground and they’re ready to do. They’re also heavy-duty and will last quite a long time, even in harsh conditions. You get a pack of 4 for $49.99.

In interior design, lighting is everything, and the same goes for the garden! What’s the use of all that work if you can’t see it at night too? Use these lighting options to bring another layer of design to your garden and enjoy your outdoor space even after the sun goes down.

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5 outdoor lighting tips we learned from experience so you didn’t have to

One of the most exciting parts about setting up an outdoor space is designing the lighting in a way that makes it not only beautiful to look at but enjoyable to spend time in. The types of lights and where you place them will depend on what your space looks like. Even in an urban apartment or home, you can accentuate balconies and patios with lights that make summer evenings feel a bit more magical — but how do you know what to choose? It’s natural to make mistakes the first time around, like buying bulbs that are too large or a lamp with a cord when you don’t have an outlet. Luckily, we’ve got a few outdoor lighting tips up our sleeve to help you forgo some of those initial hiccups.

Different types of lights you can use
First thing’s first: it’s important to assess your space and consider the different types of lighting you can use for it. If you’ve got a deck with stairs, you can utilize things like lights placed under the steps to illuminate them or rail lights to keep the night extra safe. These lights are usually subtle, so you don’t have to worry about them overpowering the area.

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A complete guide to the best lights to choose for your greenhouse

Just like growing houseplants indoors, growing plants in a greenhouse requires specific care and a suitable environment. Even though the greenhouse will have some light from the sun coming in, the glass panes are often filtered in some kind of way to prevent your plant’s leaves from scorching. Enter grow lights. They’re used most commonly in darker spaces or during colder months; however, they're greatly beneficial to your greenhouse plants and help ensure that the plants are getting the light they need to thrive.

Can you have an indoor greenhouse?
Absolutely! Indoor greenhouses are revered for how sustainable and inexpensive they can be. An indoor greenhouse with lights can be installed anywhere in the home where you have the space, and it’s a perfect place to grow things like fruits, herbs, and veggies indoors. If you’re only planning to grow a couple herbs, you can get something as small as a tabletop greenhouse! It will fit a few plants, won’t take up too much space, and will add to the aesthetic of a room while letting you grow plants in a unique way.

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Good, better, best: Portable greenhouses for your winter garden

There are many exciting plants to grow in your garden, but not all of them are suited to your particular climate. A greenhouse can significantly extend the range of plants you can grow, as well as what seasons you can start those plants in. A full size greenhouse is expensive and hard to move, but portable greenhouses are much more accessible. There are a lot of factors to consider though, including durability, what materials it’s made of, size, how easy it is to put up and take down, and, of course, cost. If this seems overwhelming, then why not let us do some of the work for you? We’ve got three portable greenhouses for your consideration, with all the factors laid out for you!

Good: Costway Portable Mini Greenhouse
The Costway Portable Mini Greenhouse covers all the essentials of a greenhouse. It's made of clear plastic fitted over a hard plastic frame. The plastic covering is waterproof, and lets in light. It comes with four shelves, two for each side, and has enough floor space for a couple additional potted plants. This greenhouse is easy to assemble and is lightweight enough to be moved easily whenever you need to, weighing only 16 pounds when assembled.

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