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A cluster of blue irises

7 outdoor plants that handle the transition from spring to summer effortlessly

7 outdoor plants that handle the transition from spring to summer effortlessly

These plants love spring and summer weather, just like us!
Globe thistle blooms in garden

10 beautiful drought-tolerant perennials you can plant this summer

10 beautiful drought-tolerant perennials you can plant this summer

These perennials won't die, even in a tough drought.
Containers of germinated seeds

The weird method Redditors are using to germinate seeds

The weird method Redditors are using to germinate seeds

Just when we thought we'd seen all the weird gardening hacks ...
Gardener pulling weed

Our 10 favorite garden maintenance tips for National Weed Your Garden Day

Our 10 favorite garden maintenance tips for National Weed Your Garden Day

These tips will help you keep your garden in top shape without all the hassle
Close up of pink and white magnolia flowers

6 flowering trees everyone seems to love

6 flowering trees everyone seems to love

These flowering trees are showstoppers -- here are our favorites
Rhododendrons growing over a metal fence

Metal vs plastic: Which garden fence is right for you?

Metal vs plastic: Which garden fence is right for you?

Here's how to choose the best fence for you and your garden
Someone repotting an indoor plant

8 gardening habits you need to drop this summer

8 gardening habits you need to drop this summer

Cut these bad gardening habits out of your life. Seriously.
A cluster of passion flower blooms

How to take care of passion flower plants indoors

How to take care of passion flower plants indoors

Care for your beautiful passion flower plants indoors with our helpful guide.
lemons and crystalized citric acid on a cutting board

What fruits have citric acid?

What fruits have citric acid?

Citric acid is a hidden component of many fruits -- but it's more important than you think
two story home with two car garage and manicured landscape

6 small, affordable updates to enhance your front yard this summer

6 small, affordable updates to enhance your front yard this summer

These simple updates will make a world of difference when it comes to your lawn
Stems with clusters of blueberries ripening

How to grow organic blueberries in your garden this summer

How to grow organic blueberries in your garden this summer

There's nothing like fresh-picked blueberries -- we show you how to grow your own in your backyard
Small parlor palm on table, in a white pot.

Wo love these 5 small indoor palm trees for a year-round pop of color

Wo love these 5 small indoor palm trees for a year-round pop of color

These indoor palm plants are easy to grow, care for, and love
dwarf blue spruce in a garden

The 5 best patio trees to adorn your outdoor space

The 5 best patio trees to adorn your outdoor space

These patio trees will add a great accent to any size space
types orange flowers blooms parodia haselbergii

These 6 orange flowers will make your garden pop

These 6 orange flowers will make your garden pop

Orange flower sure make an eye-catching statement -- these are our favorites
Hand in a brown and white glove holding a pile of Epsom salt next to an evergreen tree

Epsom salts for garden pests: So crazy it might just work

Epsom salts for garden pests: So crazy it might just work

Epsom salt might not be the first thing you think of when you think pest control, but it really does work
Small green compost bin indoors

How to build the perfect apartment composting system

How to build the perfect apartment composting system

Learn how composting can work for you in your apartment -- you and the planet will be very happy
Several avocados on a branch

Good, better, best: Fertilizers to nourish your avocado trees

Good, better, best: Fertilizers to nourish your avocado trees

Avocado trees need special care -- and we have just the thing for you
A small wicker basket on a table containing several gardening tools with green and yellow handles and floral gardening gloves

You can clean your garden tools with vinegar — here’s how

You can clean your garden tools with vinegar — here’s how

Vinegar is a great tool for all kinds of cleaning endeavors -- including your everyday garden tools
A person mowing the lawn with a black push mower

How to change the oil in your lawn mower in 6 simple steps

How to change the oil in your lawn mower in 6 simple steps

Keep your lawn mower running smoothly with this handy how-to guide
A tree with orange and yellow fruit

8 easy-to-grow fruits you can plant today

8 easy-to-grow fruits you can plant today

If you've always dreamed of growing an orchard or just want the chance to pick a peach from your backyard, we've got you covered
Mom in garden picking apples

Our favorite Mother’s Day garden gift ideas

Our favorite Mother’s Day garden gift ideas

Is your mom a greenery enthusiast? From decor to plants, check out these last-minute gardening gifts to treat your mom on Mother's Day.
Evenly cut green lawn

How often should you water grass seed?

How often should you water grass seed?

Don't drown your grass seeds -- this is how often you should be watering
An avocado tree with many avocados

What nutrients do avocado trees need?

What nutrients do avocado trees need?

Avocado trees can be picky -- make sure you give them these nutrients for optimal growing
A metal bucket labeled compost, laying on its side against a blue background. Food scraps spill out of it.

Take these 3 steps to start kitchen composting today

Take these 3 steps to start kitchen composting today

Kitchen composting isn't tough -- we break down the basics so you can get started
hands holding a tree sapling

6 ways you and your family can celebrate Arbor Day

6 ways you and your family can celebrate Arbor Day

Arbor Day means a great deal to many gardeners. Here's how you and your family can give it its due.
Flower garden full of annual flowers

You can cross-pollinate these flowers in your own backyard today

You can cross-pollinate these flowers in your own backyard today

Skip the greenhouse -- here's how you can cultivate new colors of flowers from the ones you have in your backyard
A cluster of juniper branches with bright blue berries

Your go-to guide for growing juniper trees

Your go-to guide for growing juniper trees

You want to grow juniper trees but worry they might need more care than you can give. Is that true?
A coffee filter with coffee grounds, sitting on top of a coffee maker with plants in the background

How to use coffee grounds to fertilize your blueberry bushes

How to use coffee grounds to fertilize your blueberry bushes

Coffee grounds can be a great fertilizer -- here's how to turn your trash into your garden's treasure
Man in blue and white shirt mowing his lawn with a small green push mower.

What you should look for in a compact lawn mower

What you should look for in a compact lawn mower

Not all lawn mowers are created equal. Here's how to make sure you get it right the first time
drying hydrangeas sedum flowers dried white and red

Dry these 5 flowers for beautiful displays no matter the season

Dry these 5 flowers for beautiful displays no matter the season

Drying flowers will ensure they last for years to come. Which ones in your garden could you preserve?
A person holding a potted plant

Moving cross country? Here’s how to take your outdoor plants with you

Moving cross country? Here’s how to take your outdoor plants with you

When packing for the big move, don't leave anything behind. This is how to take your plants with you.
5 different succulents planted in clay mugs

How much sunlight should your succulents have?

How much sunlight should your succulents have?

Do succulents need full sun, or can they thrive in the shade? Here's what you need to know
A sunny orchard of citrus trees with yellowish citrus fruits

These 7 citrus trees varieties are a great addition to your garden

These 7 citrus trees varieties are a great addition to your garden

Plant these beautiful citrus trees for a beautiful yard -- and fresh fruit
best compost starters gardners supply starter

Good, better, best: The right compost starter for your home

Good, better, best: The right compost starter for your home

These are our favorite compost starters -- and they'll be yours, too
A person with green and white gloves sprays a pest control solution from a yellow spray bottle onto some roses

Do plant-based insecticides actually work? Here’s what we’ve found

Do plant-based insecticides actually work? Here’s what we’ve found

Flower-made insecticides are out there, but do they work?