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A woman happily tending to her garden

Gardening 101: How to start an edible garden

Gardening 101: How to start an edible garden

Want to grow an edible garden but don't know where to start? Here's what you need to know.
trees global warming oak tree summer

The 5 best trees to help offset global warming

The 5 best trees to help offset global warming

Want to help fight global warming? These trees will help
Man pruning a tree with clippers

The best tree pruners you should make room for in your toolshed

The best tree pruners you should make room for in your toolshed

There are a lot of varieties of tree pruners. These are the ones we think you should start clearing some toolshed space for.
Community garden beds

How to make sure your garden is set up to transition from summer to fall

How to make sure your garden is set up to transition from summer to fall

Looking ahead to the fall? Here's how to make sure your garden is ready for the transition
A living wall on a wall with a frame

How to make a living wall with succulents

How to make a living wall with succulents

Do you love the look of a living wall filled with succulents?
shady lawn with shrub border

What you need to know about plug aerating

What you need to know about plug aerating

Plug aerating your lawn can be an important step in keeping it healthy. Here's everything you need to know about the system.
A close-up shot of a marigold bloom

How to keep pests out of your herb garden

How to keep pests out of your herb garden

Worried about pests infiltrating your herb garden? Use these tips to keep them away!
A bush of bright pink azaleas

Good better best: The best fertilizer for your azaleas

Good better best: The best fertilizer for your azaleas

Here's everything you need to know about fertilizing your azaleas
close up of a fallen leaf on frosty grass

Start transitioning your vegetable garden for fall now – here’s how

Start transitioning your vegetable garden for fall now – here’s how

With summer coming to a close, it's time to start transitioning your vegetable garden for the fall. Here's how to get started
A close-up of some black-eyed Susan blooms

The perennials with the longest blooming periods, for color all season

The perennials with the longest blooming periods, for color all season

Looking for a way to keep your garden colorful all season? Here are the perennials with the longest blooming periods.
A blue passion flower bloom

How to take care of passion flowers for the most beautiful results

How to take care of passion flowers for the most beautiful results

Passion flowers are beautiful, unique plants. Here's how to take care of them so they thrive.
Young seedling in gentle rain

Everything you need to know about planting a tree in wet soil

Everything you need to know about planting a tree in wet soil

Here's what you need to know about planting trees in wet soil so they thrive
two yellow sunflower blooms surrounded by green leaves

Here’s how I grew sunflowers in my backyard that are as tall as I am

Here’s how I grew sunflowers in my backyard that are as tall as I am

A backyard gardener and a sunflower farmer give us inside knowledge about growing sunflower plants that thrive
Pile of bell peppers

5 peppers that you can grow in your summer garden

5 peppers that you can grow in your summer garden

Peppers are heat and drought tolerant plants, which make them perfect to grow during the summer. Here are the best peppers to grow
Community garden beds

These 6 YouTubers want to help you grow healthy, beautiful plants

These 6 YouTubers want to help you grow healthy, beautiful plants

Next time you binge-watch YouTube, check out these 6 streamers who provide a lot of great info around organic foods.
A row of colorful houseplants in a sunny window

Gardening 101: What you need to know about fertilizing indoor plants

Gardening 101: What you need to know about fertilizing indoor plants

Indoor plants may be babied with perfect lighting and watering conditions, but they also need fertilizing.
Growing vine tomato plant

This YouTube channel is teaching viewers how to grow fresh, organic food

This YouTube channel is teaching viewers how to grow fresh, organic food

Next time you're binge-watching YouTube, check out this channel for great info around organic foods.
man and woman pruning an apple tree

What you need to know about how and when to prune apple trees

What you need to know about how and when to prune apple trees

Apple trees need to be pruned and cared for. Here's how often you should be doing it
a white house with a manicured landscape

Flowering versus leafy trees: Which is right for your yard and garden?

Flowering versus leafy trees: Which is right for your yard and garden?

Does your yard need a tree? Here's how to decide between flowering or leafy trees
Streaming on laptop with plants next to it

6 incredible shows to stream if you’d rather be gardening

6 incredible shows to stream if you’d rather be gardening

Stuck indoors? Would you rather be gardening? We found 6 shows across streaming services that will scratch the itch until you can get back out!

10 creative ways to start a wall-hanging herb garden in your kitchen

10 creative ways to start a wall-hanging herb garden in your kitchen

Wall-hanging herb gardens keep your counters free so you can cook like crazy. Here are 10 wall-hanging gardens you'll love
A kitchen compost bin

7 items you won’t believe you can compost

7 items you won’t believe you can compost

What you can (and can't) compost is always a hot topic, but we've discovered some surprisingly compostable items for your bin.
Beautiful light purple aster

How to care for asters growing outdoors

How to care for asters growing outdoors

Asters are gorgeous, but can require a bit of TLC. Here's how to care for asters growing outdoors.
A collection of summer gardening tools

Why a hori hori will be your best summer gardening buy

Why a hori hori will be your best summer gardening buy

Have you ever heard of a hori hori knife? If so, you know how useful they are. If not, you'll want to know all about them.
A honey bee on a flower

4 types of bees your garden should be attracting

4 types of bees your garden should be attracting

Bees are critical to our ecosystem, and your garden can help! Here are four types of bees that are commonly attracted to gardens.
A family gardening together

Why scrap gardening is a great kid-friendly summer activity

Why scrap gardening is a great kid-friendly summer activity

Are you looking for a kid-friendly summer gardening activity? Scrap gardening may be just what you're looking for. Here's why.
woman watering herb plants on a kitchen counter

How to grow produce from kitchen scraps (seriously!)

How to grow produce from kitchen scraps (seriously!)

Growing produce from kitchen scraps might just be your new favorite gardening activity
Raking autumn leaves

9 benefits that make composting leaves worth it

9 benefits that make composting leaves worth it

Leaf composting can be a chore, but these benefits make it all worth it!
Colorful array of flowers on a vertical garden

The 8 best plants for indoor vertical gardens

The 8 best plants for indoor vertical gardens

These amazing indoor plants will look great climbing your walls
A hand reaching up to pick a ripe red apple

How to prune your overgrown apple tree

How to prune your overgrown apple tree

Make sure your apple trees are ready for the harvest with our great pruner's guide
Best October vegetables

How to keep produce fresh for weeks without taking up valuable fridge space

How to keep produce fresh for weeks without taking up valuable fridge space

Preserve your produce for weeks with this handy guide
A person composting greens

Can you compost meat? What you need to know

Can you compost meat? What you need to know

Is meat on the list of things you can compost? Read on to find out!
Person watering a plant using a white jug

How to make plant food that’s better than store-bought

How to make plant food that’s better than store-bought

Feed your plants well with our simple homemade plant food recipe
A woman holding a basket of tomato

How to turn your gardening routine into a workout

How to turn your gardening routine into a workout

Get your sweat on while you garden! These are our favorite moves.
A monarch on a black-eyed susan

Perennial vs. annual flowers: Which are right for your garden?

Perennial vs. annual flowers: Which are right for your garden?

Perennial and annual plants both have their benefits. Which one is right for you?