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5 greenhouse organization tools you need to buy today

Greenhouses are incredible inventions. The ability to grow almost any plant or vegetable in your backyard is nothing short of revolutionary. Yet the tools, seeds, and everything else needed to make the greenhouse function can sometimes be a little overwhelming. From trowels to dozens of seeds to pots everywhere, it can be hard to implement greenhouse organization and create the nature paradise you want it to be. Here, we have selected five greenhouse storage ideas that we believe will make your greenhouse not only organized, but stylish as well:

Garden collector

When running a greenhouse, you will have waste — dirt, dead plants, and other things that you can’t just throw on the floor. These 25-gallon bags are the perfect way to collect any refuse from your greenhouse or garden. Made from UV-protected, laminated polypropylene fabric (that means they are extremely sturdy), these are made for long use and durability. The plastic ring sewn into the seam keeps the top open, unlike other garden bags, and the handles are made to hold the bag for long periods of time when it is full of heavy waste.

Amazon Basics adjustable shelving unit

Sometimes, the basic ways are the best ways. You could throw all of your tools, seeds, and pots onto one long bench in your greenhouse and call it a day. However, we think you want to be just a little more organized. These shelves can hold up to 250 pounds, ensuring that no matter what items you throw on there they will remain safe. The three shelves are also adjustable so they can be tailored to the individual specifications of every user. Not to mention, the classic chrome will never go out of style, especially in a greenhouse.

FOYUEE raised planter box

In many greenhouses, gardeners are most likely not planting one type of vegetable and calling it a day. They probably are growing many kinds of plants at once to maximize their space and yield. However, keeping track of all those plants and keeping them organized is another story. The FOYUEE raised planter box not only looks amazing with its metallic black design and back wheels for easy transportation, but it is also incredibly functional. Holding 2.5 cubic feet of soil, this planter box provides ample growing space and has a shelf below for any tools that need a home.

Novelinks photo case

We understand that buying a photo case for a greenhouse may seem strange. However, hear us out. While photo cases are designed to store 4×6-inch photos, they are also the perfect size to organize your seed packs. Each case comes with individual interior cases that you can organize into categories — perhaps one for tomatoes, one for peppers, and so one — and this storage system makes finding the seeds you need so simple. If you want to plant some more radishes, you just grab the whole case and take it with you rather than fumbling for a single pack  in your greenhouse. This photo case will also keep your seeds neat and dry. Lastly, the timeless look of the case will work for every greenhouse.

Organizer rack with steel pegboard

Whether you are storing a small shovel or a giant rake, everyone needs to keep their tools organized so their greenhouse does not fall into chaos. We suggest grabbing this organizer rack that mounts to the wall. Pegboards allow you to customize the rack to your needs, and the wall-mounted board doesn’t take up floor space and also allows you to see all of your tools at once, letting you know if you should buy something new or notice if one is missing.

Whether you’ve been spring cleaning and need a space for your gardening goods or are simply sick of rummaging through your toolshed every time you need something, these organizational tools will save you so much stress and hassle. This way, you can spend more time outdoors among your plants and less time wondering where your favorite trowel went.

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A complete guide to cleaning your greenhouse for beginners

When you first installed your greenhouse, it probably looked like a glittery glass castle for your lovely plants to grow and live in. However, weather, soil spills, and birds have made their mark on your greenhouse over time and now it's probably looking cloudy and nasty. So how do you clean a greenhouse?
Why worry about a clean greenhouse?
You may be wondering if you even need to worry about cleaning your greenhouse. If you don't mind the dirty look, maybe you could leave it as it is? Unfortunately, it's much better for your greenhouse and your plants if you give the greenhouse a deep clean at least once a year. It'll make it easier to use when it is clean and organized, and the walls of the greenhouse need to be clear so they can let in as much light as possible. Additionally, a clean greenhouse is less likely to spread pests and diseases to your precious plants. And lastly, things last longer when you care for them and greenhouses aren't cheap.

When should you clean a greenhouse?
There's no right time to clean a greenhouse; whenever you can is better than not at all. However, we suggest cleaning it when there isn't so much to do in the garden and it isn't so hot out. Usually, the fall is when the garden chores slow down and it starts to cool out, making cleaning the greenhouse much easier on you.
What is the best way to clean a greenhouse?
You can use whatever cleaning method works for you, but here is our step-by-step process that we recommend.
Step one: Empty the space
Of course, we know you can only empty a greenhouse so much if you have tender plants that need to stay warm. But as much as you can, take out the tools, buckets, and bags of soil. It will be much easier on you if you don't have to fuss with items in your way as you clean the walls and floors. This also allows you to go through what you have and declutter if necessary.
Step two: Rough dusting
Over the season, spiders and bugs and maybe even some mice have tried to make homes in your greenhouse. This has probably led to a few cobwebs and dust piles around the corners. You'll want to remove these large areas of debris before you start the deep cleaning. Use a broom to knock down the cobwebs and sweep up the floor; you've probably spilled some soil during the summer!
Step three: Clean the walls
The panels of your greenhouse will now need to be deep cleaned. You can use a bucket of warm water and a sponge to wipe them down, but we also recommend bringing a long-handled brush to make life easier. This way, you can dip the brush into the bucket of soapy water and scrub down the walls with the long-handled brush. You'll be able to reach every inch of the walls without killing your back.

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When and how to transplant tomato plants for the best results
baby tomato plants

There's a time in every gardener's life when they try to grow their own veggie plants from seed. This is a gratifying process, and there are many benefits to growing your own seed starts. One of those benefits is bigger and healthier plants. By growing your own baby tomato plants, you can ensure that the plants are well cared for, never given anything you don't want them to have, and transplanted in just the right way at just the right time for optimal plant health. So how do you transplant tomato plants to ensure they're happy and healthy and live to produce lots of yummy tomatoes for your home?

How do you transplant a grown tomato plant?
If you've never transplanted tomatoes before, the idea can be intimidating. You have all these tiny plants that you've cared for over the last several weeks, and now it's time to pluck them out of their nursery pots and plop them into the outside soil where they're exposed to sun, weather, and critters. Luckily, you've cared for them so well that they're healthy and robust plants that will be able to handle anything nature throws at them.
Step one: Harden the plants
Hardening the plants is a term gardeners use when talking about the process of acclimating a greenhouse-grown plant to outside conditions. Typically it refers to sunlight, but it could also refer to wind and other weather that could harm the plant. About a week before you're ready to transplant, you'll want to harden your baby tomato plants by exposing them to sunlight at increasing increments each day. For example, day one should be about 30 minutes, then 45, then 50, and so on until the day of transplanting. If you don't do this, you'll risk your plant being burnt and killed when you transplant it outside.
Step two: Don't water the plants
Before you start pulling little plants out of their pots, you mustn't water the plants a few days before transplanting. Wet soil can make the transplanting process much harder on you and the plant. Dry soil falls away easier and is less likely to break off roots as you move the plants to their new home.
Step three: Prepare the new soil
The new location for your tomato plants will need to be prepped before you get all those babies out of their homes. Whether you are planting into the ground, a raised bed, or a pot, you'll want to amend the soil to guarantee that the plant has many nutrients to soak up. It also is easier if you dampen the soil right before transplanting. Damp soil is much more manageable and more easily manipulated around the plant.
Step four: Plant deeply
As you gently pull out the baby tomato plants, you'll want to shake off the old soil to expose the roots. This will ensure the plant has access to the new soil and nutrients you're about to provide it with. 

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5 outdoor living trends that will totally improve your 2022
women outside sitting

After being stuck in our homes the last two years, we've started to realize that making our homes into a lovely place to be is very important. However, we can only stay inside for so long before we ache for sunshine and nature. Turning your outdoor space into a haven where you can escape the indoors and enjoy some fresh air will improve your 2022 no matter what it throws at us. So here are some ways to spruce up your outdoor living space so you can enjoy the spring when it finally comes back around.

Bring indoor luxuries to an outdoor space
The best way to encourage yourself to go outside more often is to make it as comfortable as possible. So often, we choose indoor seating instead of going outside simply because that huge sectional is way more comfortable to lounge on. So instead, invest in comfortable seating, plenty of surfaces for drinks and electronics, and maybe even purchase some umbrellas or awnings so you can sit outside even if it's lightly raining. Making an easy transition from indoors to outdoors will encourage everyone in the home to come out more often and enjoy the space.
Vertical gardening
Not everyone has the luxury of having an expansive backyard. If you're struggling to know what to do with your smaller space, but you know you want more plants and gardening opportunities, try vertical gardening! This is where you take a wall of your deck or fence and grow plants one on top of the other. You might have seen these as living walls or those DIY projects with pallets and herbs. Either way, growing flowers or veggies vertically allows you to garden without taking up precious space in your smaller yard.
Outdoor office
Many of us spend a lot of time inside at our desks. If you were lucky enough to work from home the last few years, you might have a pretty decent setup for your home office. However, spending all day inside when the weather is excellent can be depressing, and if you're home, why not take advantage of the opportunity and create an outdoor office space? This allows you to keep working while enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Endless studies are proving that getting outside more often improves mental and physical health!

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