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Purple crocuses in the sunlight

Plant these flowers to have the earliest spring blooms

Plant these flowers to have the earliest spring blooms

What flowers can you plant to get beautiful blooms as early as possible in the spring? These questions and more are answered for you.
Young plant sprouting in a garden

Propagating plants: What you should know

Propagating plants: What you should know

There are a few ways to get more plants for your garden. One way is to propagate plants. We have what you need to know about propagating.
Pattern of raspberries and one blackberry on pink background

How to propagate blackberries and raspberries

How to propagate blackberries and raspberries

Having fresh blackberries and raspberries sounds like a dream come true. Follow our guidelines to propagate them, and it can be a reality.
A potted pothos plant on a table

4 fast-growing indoor plants anyone will love

4 fast-growing indoor plants anyone will love

Indoor plants are beautiful and rewarding for any space. We list four plants you can care for and be a great addition to your home.
A pile of brown potatoes up close

How to grow organic potatoes

How to grow organic potatoes

You've been wondering about how to grow organic potatoes. Here is every single thing you need to know about growing and harvesting them.
Buffalo grass with dew

Buffalo grass: What is it and how to know if it’s right for you

Buffalo grass: What is it and how to know if it’s right for you

Buffalo grass is one of many grass varieties, but it is certainly a popular one. We give the basics about growing and caring for it.
Harvested bunches of carrots

The best way to harvest carrot seeds at season’s end

The best way to harvest carrot seeds at season’s end

Carrot seeds are harvested following the flowering of the plant. We tell you what you need to know if you haven't collected them before.
Small plant being watered

6 incredible gardening tips you need to know right now

6 incredible gardening tips you need to know right now

Organic gardening is something that seems more complicated than it is. We list easy and effective tips to help you get started.
Purple gladiolus in bloom

These flowers are traditional for Dia de los Muertos celebrations

These flowers are traditional for Dia de los Muertos celebrations

Dia de los Muertos is a beautiful time of year, with flowers being a main decoration. We discuss growing the three most common flowers.
Person washing celery in a sink

Freezing and storing celery: Do you need to blanch it first?

Freezing and storing celery: Do you need to blanch it first?

Blanching your celery is quick, easy, and lengthens your celery’s lifespan to incredible proportions. Our handy guide shows you how.
benefits of gardening

7 tips you need to know to be a great gardener

7 tips you need to know to be a great gardener

Whether you’re tired of running to the store for tomatoes or want to grow flowers to beautify your home, there are many benefits to learning how to garden.
Japanese quince flowers blooming

These plants grow best in cold weather

These plants grow best in cold weather

There are quite a few plants that thrive in freezing temperatures. We list the hardy ones that can withstand the colder seasons.
Plants on a patio

Deck garden ideas everyone can use

Deck garden ideas everyone can use

With a combination of containers, boxes, and vertical gardens, you'll be able to create a deck garden that's creative and grows exactly what you want.
how to pick a pumpkin field at sunset

Heading out to pick a pumpkin? Here’s what you should look for

Heading out to pick a pumpkin? Here’s what you should look for

Here’s a simple guide to help you get the perfect pumpkin!
Large oak tree with orange leaves in autumn

How do trees detect seasonal changes?

How do trees detect seasonal changes?

Why do trees know how and when to adjust to their surroundings, especially when it becomes autumn? We provide the answers.
Ginger root on a table

Growing ginger hydroponically: What you need to know

Growing ginger hydroponically: What you need to know

Hydroponically grown ginger can save you space in the long run. Our handy guide will show you how to successfully grow this beloved plant.
lantern mounted on outdoor wall

The best outdoor wall lanterns for your home’s exterior

The best outdoor wall lanterns for your home’s exterior

Outdoor wall lanterns are great for helping you find your way to your door at night. They also light up a dark backyard or front porch indicating you're home.
the best outdoor fairy lights

The best outdoor fairy lights for a warm ambiance

The best outdoor fairy lights for a warm ambiance

Transform your outdoor space into a relaxing refuge with fairy lights. Their soft glow creates an aesthetically pleasing dim light effect and warm ambiance.
the best compostable coffee cups

The best compostable coffee cups to reduce your carbon footprint

The best compostable coffee cups to reduce your carbon footprint

Enjoy your cup of coffee more knowing you won't be harming the environment when it's empty. Use these eco-minded compostable coffee cups for your next java.
the best solar fairy lights for outdoors outdoor

The best solar fairy lights to add magic to your space

The best solar fairy lights to add magic to your space

Solar fairy lights are an incredible way to illuminate and elevate the atmosphere of your outdoor space. These lights are energy efficient and easy to install.
the best icicle lights outdoor

The best icicle lights for outdoor decoration

The best icicle lights for outdoor decoration

Outdoor lights are used for atmosphere, decoration, holiday displays, an event, and a whole lot more. Icicle lights are a festive and visually appealing option.
the best outdoor light timers timer

The best outdoor light timers to manage your property lighting

The best outdoor light timers to manage your property lighting

Seeing seasonal, holiday or decorative lights on homes may make you smile, until you remember the time you almost fell off the ladder trying to install them.
Dia de los muertos ofrenda with marigold archway

Create a beautiful Dia de los Muertos altar with these amazing flowers

Create a beautiful Dia de los Muertos altar with these amazing flowers

Flowers play an important part in celebrating Dia de los Muertos. We discuss the history and significance of several flowers.
the best artificial wisteria flowers

The best artificial wisteria flowers that look realistic

The best artificial wisteria flowers that look realistic

Well-made artificial flowers look beautiful without routine maintenance. Our top choice for the best wisteria flowers will be just what you're looking for.
Row of herb plants in pots on windowsill

How to keep herbs alive indoors all year long

How to keep herbs alive indoors all year long

You can keep your herbs alive all year long with some extra care beyond sunlight and watering. Here are our best tips to help you succeed. 
Spoon holding chili peppers lies on a table

These organic pest-control methods are proven winners

These organic pest-control methods are proven winners

Dealing with pests is a big issue inside of homes, around gardens, and in other structures. We list organic and effective pest-control methods.
person picking green lettuce from garden

Amazing plants you can grow in wet climates

Amazing plants you can grow in wet climates

Cultivating a garden in a wet climate is not difficult with the right choice of plants.
organic mulch

What is organic mulch made of?

What is organic mulch made of?

Organic mulch is the perfect option for keeping your homegrown fruits, veggies, and other plants free of harsh chemicals for a more clean end result. 
Bright and beautiful green garden in sunlight

Eco-friendly gardening tips for your green garden

Eco-friendly gardening tips for your green garden

Green gardening is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Our comprehensive guide lists the many different ways to be green.

Is it possible to have a year-round garden without replanting?

Is it possible to have a year-round garden without replanting?

In order to have a four-season garden, you’ll need variety in the plants you grow. Our guide helps keep your garden thriving all year long.